Device States
All devices that are managed by the SDK have three different states: a binding state, an online state and a speed state. The values of theses states are stored in the data class MedicalDeviceTO that represents a single device.
The Device Binding States
The binding state of a device shows it binding and also its availability. The method
getDeviceBindingState() of the class MedicalDeviceTO will return the enumeration type
DeviceBindingState that represents this state. An interaction with a bound device is only possible if its
binding state is DeviceBindingState.BOUND. Only for the methods bindDevice(MedicalDeviceTO
medicalDevice), bindDevices(List

Illustration 2 - State machine of the device binding states
The Device Online States
The online state of a device shows its online status and also its availability. It is not possible to interact with an offline device. The only values for this state are online or offline.

Illustration 3 - State machine of the device online states
The Device Speed States
This state represents the device communication speed. The communication speed of a device is increased automatically if it communicates with the dongle and is decreased if some inactive time has elapsed, on unbinding the device or on exiting the sdk. Note that a fast device speed will result in a higher power consumption of the battery. Therefore it is managed automatically.

Illustration 4 - State machine of the speed states