Package com.biocomfort.TO

Interface Summary
TO The TO interface is a marking interface to indicate that the implementing class is a data transfer object and only responsible to store the data.

Class Summary
DateTimeTO The DateTimeTO is a data class to store the date time information of a medical device.
DeviceStatusTO The DeviceStatusTO is a data class to store the device status information of a medical device.
FirmwareTO The FirmwareTO is a data class to store the firmware information of a medical device.
IeeeAddressTO The IeeeAddressTO is a data class to store the IEEE mac address of a medical device.
MedicalDeviceTO Represents a medical device with its address, its states and its information.
SerialNumberTO The SerialNumberTO is a data class to store the serial number information of a medical device.
UserSettingTO The UserSettingTO is a data class to store user setting information, such as available users and the currently activated user of a medical device.

Enum Summary
DeviceBindingState The enummeration DeviceBindingState contains the possible binding states of a medical device.
DeviceOnlineState The enumeration DeviceOnlineState contains the possible online states of a medical device.
DeviceSpeedState The enumeration DeviceOnlineState contains the possible speed states of a medical device.